Focus on Success
Focus on Success is designed to improve your quality of life by offering solutions to everyday problems with the intention of promoting success. We’ll do this one challenge at a time. If you are anyone who has executive function challenges, you may need to improve your time management, organization, planning, prioritization, attention, focus, memory or problem-solving skills. We discuss topics such as, what executive function is, and the most common ways executive function challenges will manifest in everyday life, in children and adults. We speak to professionals such as counselors, educators and psychologists who offer their perspective and professional expertise, as well as their recommendations to improve your life.
Focus on Success
Unlocking Access: Navigating Disability Planning with a Special Needs Consultant
We speak with Eric Jorgensen of True North Disability Planning about things parents need to be thinking about when preparing their disabled children for adulthood.
Eric Jorgensen is the Founder of True North Disability Planning, a national consulting company helping families, individuals and professionals navigate the maze of disability benefits, resources, and services. He has been helping his clients find answers since his retirement from the Navy in 2012. He was widowed the same year he retired. At the time, his 12 y/o autistic son, William, was completely dependent on his wife for everything. His frustration with the difficulty of figuring out what to do and navigating services for his son led him to start Special Needs Navigator.
Eric created a new category, Disability Planning. He specializes in helping clients identify what they do not know and providing clarity by connecting the dots. He works with people and companies around the country, developing individualized solutions best suited to their circumstances.
In addition to working with clients one on one; True North Disability Planning has a Substack (Waypoints), YouTube channel, and Podcast (ABCs of Disability Planning). Eric uses Waypoints as a way to share his thoughts as a parent and a professional. The podcast and YouTube channel focus on benefits, resources, and services people may not know of or want to learn more about, or Eric thinks he can give additional perspective.
Website: https://truenorthdisabilityplanning.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TrueNorthDisabilityPlanning
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/true-north-disability-planning/